Unique voucher codes for each customer email
Personalized Vouchers for Your Email Recipients
The XCAMPAIGN Voucher Server is an external application for sending personalized voucher codes with any type of mailing. With the coupon server you can generate or import your own vouchers.
Vouchers can be added to the mailing via certain attributes. Individual vouchers are stored in your "voucher list" which can be selected in XCAMPAIGN. The vouchers from this list will be used for a specific mailing. If desired, all vouchers can be exported from a list.
The voucher server can only be accessed by customers with corresponding account settings.
The voucher server generates vouchers on a defined template and uses them individually for each mailshot.
If there are no voucher left on the server, XCAMPAIGN stops sending out the e-mails. You can set an minimum amount of vouchers to send out a notification.